Happy Independence Day, India!

So, it being the 15th of August, we did a lesson on India’s Independence and the rest of the day was free!

I was inspired by Renu, who the day before had done an overview on India’s history and had her children make flags.  After our lesson we did the same.  We cut up pieces of fabric and used our fabric markers to draw in the chakra (the wheel of law and justice in the center) and fill in the colors.  It was fun.  They appreciated Ashoka’s chakra since we had previously done a lesson aboutIMG_9157 one of India’s greatest emperors who ruled around 273 BC.   We also listened to Jawahar Lal Nehru’s ‘Tryst with Destiny…Freedom at Midnight” speech.

I found this neat little movie on youtube.  It brought back many school memories.  The flag, the anthem, the joy of no lessons and cricket played religiously in the streets.  What I appreciated most was the focus on education.  Yes, I am a home schooling mother, but I have a profound respect for the institution of education and that includes institutionalized schools as well.

I prefer to home school my children but at the end of the day every parent is a homeschooler (of sorts) by default.  Homework, lesson prep, school projects and the founding and shaping of ideas mostly takes place at home.  Unfortunately, most formal schools have crystalized into dry factories of knowledge.  But I’m sure most of us will remember the one teacher who broke the mould and made learning fun!

I showed my children the video because I wanted them to appreciate the opportunity they have to be educated, to learn, to be instructed and to also have a sense of compassion for those who are bound by poverty and ignorance and so denied the right to education.

Also it’s pretty amazing that India is the one country, under Mahatma Gandhi’s leadership, to have achieved Independence without a war.

We read Prime Minster Manmohan Singh’s  Speech as published in the Times of India and with that my Indo-American children ran off down to play waving their homemade flags!

After all, who doesn’t love a holiday?!





About Probhita

Quite ordinary, really. Where I do consider myself extraordinary is in that I have been tremendously blessed with the sweetest family and the best of friends. It is nothing short of the richest luxury to be loved as I am! Being challenged to think and break away from status quo is a personal priority. I believe that the Creator of the universe has a plan for my life and random chance is not the way of my existence. I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I deeply uphold tolerance - I may not concede to a thought being right - but will always respect its view. The privilege of having the best parents in the world and growing with caring sisters in a rather unique setting is an aspect closely cherished. My youngest sister, despite being oceans away, always remains my closest friend and my biggest encourager! I have a wonderful husband who loves me and two gorgeous children. I presently live in India. This blog is the embarking of a journey with Charlotte Mason's philosophy of education as I continue to homeschool my children. I hope their childhood will be as fulfilling and memorable, if not, more, than mine.
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2 Responses to Happy Independence Day, India!

  1. Renu says:

    It will be so much fun to organize a flag hoisting ceremony with our next year!
    I did enjoy the class too…
    Pope the youtube video is very moving. We were in tears.
    Yes It truly is amazing how we are the only nation who got her freedom through Ahemsa (peace).

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