When crisis strikes…

In the course of life, the one thing we can always count on, is the unexpected!

And yet, whenever it comes calling, we are always taken unawares – at least almost always.  So it was with me.  I was to officially begin school August 21st; Ria to Eighth and Brandon to Fifth.  The excitement of a new school year was dawning bright.

With a few days to go, I heard from my sister, Kavita, that my mother who had been in the US was having chest pains.  Being an active 72 and suddenly being reduced to fatigue for very simple tasks was unnerving.  What was a check up, led to an angiogram which showed that she had three major blocks.  The aspect of possible bypass was always there but it was something, my mother in particular, and all of us wanted to avoid.  Her surgery was scheduled for the 1st of September.

An unexpected blessing was that an extremely close and dear friend of my parents, bought me a ticket so I could be with my mother for her surgery.  Adam very kindly encouraged me to go sans children for three weeks so I could care for my mother and help with her recuperation. IMG-20150901-WA0013 IMG-20150909-WA0017

She is so glad that the dreaded bypass is behind her now! We had some really close calls, when her life seemed so uncertain…it is hard to believe that four months have passed and she is now back here in Goa.  Next week the children and I will accompany her to Kolkata.  She is eager to be reunited with all her dear friends and colleagues who have shouldered her load in her absence.

My sister has had her own share of unexpected events and is also at the tail end of finishing up school and working part-time so it was a big help to have me on board.  I managed to catch the first glimpses of Fall, a season I miss very much.  Ripened apples, leaves beginning their colorful departure, acorn strewn sidewalks and the first tiniest crispness in the air was lovely to experience!  Being with my mother is always a soul-enriching time and the added bonus of caring for her and being with my sister and neice was very special.

One aspect in crisis that inevitably surfaces is the lifeline of true friends.  My mother’s, my sister’s and mine.  All seemed to link and form a circle of support that sustained, encouraged and helped us get through the storm.  It is impossible to name them all but I have to mention dear Dr. Tony, Ian and Anne, Shajan, Amit and Jill, the Mathews, Adam’s parents, Natalie, Tammy, Eva, Rita,  Treas, Renu, Seema and Lii!  My dear friends, Renu and Seema,  practically adopted Ria and Brandon while I was away!  I’m so very grateful to them! Adam’s support was crucial and I know it was tough on him but I love him all the more for being so behind me and demonstrating his love for my mother.

The children fell into line in my absence and kept up with chores and school.  The house was still standing, but my garden was all but obliterated!  It’s been a slow return but nature is for the most part, forgiving, and especially in my mother’s presence, is slowly perking up and beginning to return to a wholesome state.

Homeschool took a bit of a beating but thanks to Susan, my mentor, who has so kindly escorted me through the turbulence of this year, we have managed to stay on track.

We have had the most amazing books to live through and the children and I have learned so much together.   We have seen the divine hand of God prevail graciously through all the upheaval and we cannot be anything but deeply thankful for His mercies.  All the prayer, the calls, emails, letters, texts and hugs…all of it helped to sail me over into 2016…so thank you to all of you who made up that lifeline!

P.S.   I’m hoping to not be so blog-tardy this year!

About Probhita

Quite ordinary, really. Where I do consider myself extraordinary is in that I have been tremendously blessed with the sweetest family and the best of friends. It is nothing short of the richest luxury to be loved as I am! Being challenged to think and break away from status quo is a personal priority. I believe that the Creator of the universe has a plan for my life and random chance is not the way of my existence. I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I deeply uphold tolerance - I may not concede to a thought being right - but will always respect its view. The privilege of having the best parents in the world and growing with caring sisters in a rather unique setting is an aspect closely cherished. My youngest sister, despite being oceans away, always remains my closest friend and my biggest encourager! I have a wonderful husband who loves me and two gorgeous children. I presently live in India. This blog is the embarking of a journey with Charlotte Mason's philosophy of education as I continue to homeschool my children. I hope their childhood will be as fulfilling and memorable, if not, more, than mine.
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4 Responses to When crisis strikes…

  1. So wonderful to have the support of true friends and family! All the best in your school journey this year.

    • Probhita says:

      I think it is how God has designed us to live within the interdependent, related love of give and receive! It truly is such a blessing! Thanks for visiting and for your encouragement.

  2. Lii says:


    You are so right about the unexpected! It surely can knock us down and off course. But how encouraging it is to see the God has come through for you. For each one of us, God’s answer to that unexpected is different and so personal. I am so thankful for His new mercies every morning. And I’m so thankful that your mom is getting stronger every day.

    Looking forward to your future posts!


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