The New School Year Is Here!

Here comes the new Home schooling Year 2012 – what are my expectations?

Ria will begin Grade V and Brandon will launch into II.  The new schoolbooks generate excitement and it feels good to get prepared to begin afresh.

Ria has been struggling with Math for some time.   This summer, seeing we were so close to Pennsylvania, in desperate need for some guidance and encouraged by Carolyn Wetherby, I contacted Steve Demme of Math-U-See.  He was extremely gracious to accommodate us, evaluate Ria and advise me to begin from the start and NOT place any undue pressure on her.   Basically it would not matter if she would complete the course in 3 months or three years.  What would matter is if she would enjoy and master it.  A great big piece of humble pie for me but I am resolved to trust God and take one unpressured step at a time.

He also counseled me to teach math separately, rather than both at the same time, as I was doing.  I will have to tweak my schedule.

Besides Bible, Adam is going to teach Science again. The children are really excited about this.  He taught Brandon last year and Ria is happy to be included this time.

We have decided to begin memorizing Psalm 46.  One of my favorites!  Not quite sure how long it will take us but we will savor it all the way!

Ria and Brandon will continue with Tennis Lessons at Siri Fort sports Auditorium and I am on the look out for a guitar teacher for Brandon.  (Any suggestions/ recommendations will be much appreciated – hint, hint!)  Ria will still keep up with piano – this time with a new teacher.  She is thrilled to have Carolyn’s piano that we were able to purchase and we are looking forward to some pleasant family evenings listening to her play and hoping that she will love Aimee as much as she did Carolyn.

I am purposing to enjoy everyday.  Charlotte’s school motto is as much mine as it is the children’s.  I am, I can, I ought, I will.  I wish I could stencil that in big beautiful letters above our dining table (hmm, there’s a thought).

Today is all I have.

The happy memories I make today will help make tomorrow even more pleasant and will dull the failures of yesterday.

This means I need to be more organized.  Meals must be planned the day before.  My phone (and the door bell ) MUST be switched off for school.  My children deserve my full attention as I demand theirs.  I think I have been unfair in the past expecting their total concentration when I have been distracted and not quite on the ball.

I have to admit that I do love planning the schedule.  It is so invigorating to think of all that we can do and how to best fit it in.  A lot like a puzzle – and I love those as well!

I really like what Catherine Levison recommends in her book, More Charlotte Mason Education.  In her chapter, Segment planning, she makes a good point.  If I do know how much I can fit in 20 minutes, then that’s how much I need to plan for; rather than trying to cram in the recommended portion and be left breathless, wanting and absolutely frustrated!

So, I am going to go through the Ambleside Curriculum again, every book and subject, to gauge how much I can cover in my desired time slot.  I also like her suggestion of planning an entire week off in the middle of the trimester or semester.  It will definitely be motivation to keep it up when that tough week strikes – a week off just around the bend will keep all of our noses to the grindstone!  She also suggested an occasional three-day weekend, which would make for a nice break or a needed catch-up.  Very nice indeed!

My desire for the year:

Not forfeit my time with God every morning

To enjoy everyday

To foster in my dear pupils a love for learning

To be a happier and pleasant companion to my dear husband

To be an efficient and undaunted manager of my home

To complete what I set out to cover in the year

So help me, God!

About Probhita

Quite ordinary, really. Where I do consider myself extraordinary is in that I have been tremendously blessed with the sweetest family and the best of friends. It is nothing short of the richest luxury to be loved as I am! Being challenged to think and break away from status quo is a personal priority. I believe that the Creator of the universe has a plan for my life and random chance is not the way of my existence. I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I deeply uphold tolerance - I may not concede to a thought being right - but will always respect its view. The privilege of having the best parents in the world and growing with caring sisters in a rather unique setting is an aspect closely cherished. My youngest sister, despite being oceans away, always remains my closest friend and my biggest encourager! I have a wonderful husband who loves me and two gorgeous children. I presently live in India. This blog is the embarking of a journey with Charlotte Mason's philosophy of education as I continue to homeschool my children. I hope their childhood will be as fulfilling and memorable, if not, more, than mine.
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6 Responses to The New School Year Is Here!

  1. Carrie says:

    It’s great to have found you on here! Sam, too, struggles with math (excels at art and Language Arts). We started out years ago with some curriculum a friend raved about. Its use led to tears on Sam’s part and I wanted to rip clumps of my hair out in frustration. Then a wise mom (with 4 boys) told me about Math-U-See (“Carrie, they must get place value.”). We switched and it’s gone really well since. We do “baby steps” in math. Although he’s a year behind, he UNDERSTANDS what he’s doing. Sam also thinks Steve Demi is quite funny and loves his dry sense of humor. Love the posts that I read here. Although I’m more eclectic than CM, I have read the books you speak of here. Have you read “Charlotte Mason Companion” by Karen Andreola? I couldn’t get through CM’s original books–I’m just not that smart!–so Karen’s book was perfect. Also, for a dose of “mother culture,” I’ve read “Pocketful of Pinecones” and “Lessons at Blackberry Inn.” Nice light, edifying, reads when you have 10 minutes only in which to read. Sounds like what you are doing is working perfectly for your family.

    • Probhita says:

      Carrie! what a wonderful surprise!! How good to hear from you!! Believe you me, the hair in clumps was exactly my state along with a few dents in the wall – courtesy, my frustrated head! (My poor Ria!) Steve Demme was so kind and actually had me in tears – so gentle and reproving was his counsel! Ria told me yesterday, how much she is enjoying math! I am so grateful!

      Yes, actually Karen Andreola’s “Charlotte Mason Companion” was my first intro to CM! It’s what whetted my interest and led to this conversion, really! I have been wanting to get “A Pocket Full Of Pinecones” and “Lessons At Blackberry Inn.” Catherine Levison’s books too have helped me immensely!

      Love to Sam and Allan! Again, so great to hear from you! I will email you my hundred catch -up questions!

  2. Rosemary says:

    Great plans Probhita! I also think the 12 week term is quite long. We often take breaks in between, it really helps:)

  3. Renu says:

    WOW Pope…….. Beautifulllll………. What more is even required of one???? I’m really blessed reading it and motivated too…. All the best….. I know you can and will do it….
    Love you so much and will be praying for you!

  4. Sounds like a great start! Wishing you all the best for your new school year!! Ria and Brandon are blessed to have such a diligent and wonderful mom! Godspeed!

    • Probhita says:

      Thanks, Lynn! It’s such a blessing to be surrounded by so many fellow moms like you! Let’s all chant together – ‘We can do it!’

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