Okefenokee Swamp Y’all!!

DSCN0936DSCN0918We are in Georgia escaping the cold, wet spell that has fallen upon Maryland,  visiting with Adam’s brother, Les, and his lovely southern belle-bride, Tammy.  They have been so hospitable and fun and we are sorry that we are leaving tomorrow.  They recently moved into a beautiful home. We are the privileged  first ‘company’ that they have hosted. ( I hope that we haven’t burned them out enough to be labeled the last)!IMG-20160514-WA0014

On Monday, Les and Tammy were busy and so we decided to burrow deep into southern heartland and visit the famous Okefenokee Swamp.  Years ago, Adam went there as a boy and still has vivid memories.  Since we were a mere 284 miles  (versus more than 8,400 miles), we thought it best not to forfeit the opportunity!

So at 6:30 a.m. we skirted nightmare Atlanta traffic and took the back roads to the swamp. Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre, the unabridged audio book, and the jazz radio station pleasurably helped pass the time.

Even before we could reach the swamp site Adam spotted turtles and allDSCN0910DSCN0913igators just hanging out by the highway!

It was a wonderful experience.  we took a little guided boat tour through the swamps.  Our tour guide’s accent was a winning feature and when he remarked, “Them yellow flies will be tormentin’ y’all”, it almost made the the nasty critter’s bites bearable! We walked  up to the high watch tower that looks out over the canopy of the almost 700 square miles of swamp! Pretty impressive!

DSCN0936 DSCN1034 IMG_20160516_155720 DSCN1056 DSCN1042 IMG_20160516_151024 IMG_20160516_121712 IMG_20160516_121731IMG_20160516_160703ok IMG_20160516_160533ok IMG_20160516_155447ok DSCN1031 DSCN1015IMG_20160516_155318The tannins DSCN0940from vegetative decay cause the water to look black and have a mirror effect, as you can see from the pictures.  The park provides a walkway so that you can venture right out into the swamp and experience it. The boardwalk sometimes runs as (dangerously) low as the swamp.  They do advise you to grab a rod just in case you come across some of the bulkier or slimier inhabitants!

We heard different bird calls and frogs and even baby gators calling for their mothers in their characteristic chirp. Ironically endearing!  We spotted (and caught) little lizards and (left alone) interesting spiders.

DSCN0955 DSCN1042 DSCN1048 IMG_20160516_155225 IMG_20160516_155234DSCN1003We saw a variety of plants. Old cyprus trees stretching up to the sky with spanish moss hanging from their limbs, spotlessly white water lillies demurely floating among water hyacinths, abundant ferns, yellow bonnets and swamp algae.  The park also houses two black bears.  The female bear was wisely taking a coveted nap while this dude was chilling in his trough!

There was also a small refreshment bar that served gator strips and frog legs.  Gator meat tastes like chicken!

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Melvin, who conducted a small show for the visitors let us touch the snakes and baby gators and the children were even comfortable with the rat snakes! I thought it best to not let go of the camera!

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The life-size model alligator, that the park encourages visitors to clamber upon, is actually smaller than the 13 foot 7 inch, Oscar, whom Adam saw when he had last come to the park. Oscar has since passed away and his massive skeleton graces the reception area. We were cautioned to watch our whereabouts.  The park likes us to remember that we are on gator turf after all!

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IMG_20160516_155249DSCN1028DSCN1044If you’re ever in the area, don’t miss out on Okefenokee, ya’ll!! (Just leave your pets at home)!

About Probhita

Quite ordinary, really. Where I do consider myself extraordinary is in that I have been tremendously blessed with the sweetest family and the best of friends. It is nothing short of the richest luxury to be loved as I am! Being challenged to think and break away from status quo is a personal priority. I believe that the Creator of the universe has a plan for my life and random chance is not the way of my existence. I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I deeply uphold tolerance - I may not concede to a thought being right - but will always respect its view. The privilege of having the best parents in the world and growing with caring sisters in a rather unique setting is an aspect closely cherished. My youngest sister, despite being oceans away, always remains my closest friend and my biggest encourager! I have a wonderful husband who loves me and two gorgeous children. I presently live in India. This blog is the embarking of a journey with Charlotte Mason's philosophy of education as I continue to homeschool my children. I hope their childhood will be as fulfilling and memorable, if not, more, than mine.
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5 Responses to Okefenokee Swamp Y’all!!

  1. Brandy says:

    Hey Probhita! I have been trying to get in touch but I lost your phone number 😒. Are you still in the US? Please text me your cell number.

  2. Christine Lewis says:

    Hi Probhita! This is Christine Lewis, from the Lodhi Gardens park days. It is so nice to see you and your family pictures while in the States. I was just at the AO conference in Texas and shared about your inspirational park days I had a privileged of going to and how I learned about AO from you, which by the way I have been following for three years now due to how you inspired me. When I shared my learning about AO while in India with the AO advisory they were touched and encouraged knowing that each morning when they wake up children and mothers all the way in India are using AO. I showed them your blog, and they were in tears. I just wanted to share the blessing you and your blog are to the AO community. I wish you could have been at the conference. Blessings to you and your family!

    • Probhita says:

      Christine, Hi! How wonderful to hear from you!! I did see the invite to the conference, it looked very inviting!! It must have been so inspiring! Thank you for your encouragement…I well remember our Lodhi park days! It would be lovely to hear more about your time at the conference!!

  3. Probhita says:

    Same here, Rashmie! Lovely to hear from you! You can ONLY be remembered – fondly! From time to time, Renu keeps me up to date with you (via FB). She showed me some wonderful pictures of your garden! But I must come and see for myself when we return! Hope your mom is well too! Lots of love to all four of you!

  4. Rashmie says:

    Hi dear – I’ve thought about you on and off and the thought intensifies whenever I read a fresh blog post from you! Loved reading this one and seeing all the pictures, especially yours in that lovely family pic. What a great time y’ll (haha!) are having.
    Am wondering when we’ll get to meet. It’s been such a long long time. Do you remember me, hehe?!
    I also read that post about your mom – her heart condition and the crisis that she was in. But, so glad she found the best cure and is hale and hearty now. Call me when you’re back in India, and pls do visit us as soon as you can.

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