My Take on the Tebow Mania

What is all this Tebow mania about?  The buzz, the outrage, the twitter high, the bold headlines, the hoping, the hype, the rage, the rave!

I find it interesting that a newbie in the NFL appears in the headlines everyday.  I mean, everyday!  Not only is he in the headlines but there are prominent people either Tebowing, Tebow raving, Tebow criticizing – doing something in connection with this quarterback who just also happens to be a clean-cut, homeschooled Christian.

I do not personally know  Tim Tebow but watching him in action, reading the incessant news, listening to his interviews; honestly, from a spectators stand point, he seems hard to dislike.

Somewhere in everyone’s heart, they are, like Bonnie Tyler, holding out for a hero, the white knight – the one who defies the odds – who is quintessentially good, clean and kind.  Yet everyone thinks, lets be realistic – there is no one perfect (and I’m sure Tim Tebow has his flaws but they are so hard to see – and I’m not referring to the fumbles and the weak arm that has just outdone itself with the 316 pass)!

I think there is an undercurrent unbelief that says he is just too good to be true and maybe that kick starts an automatic resentment.  It’s not fair to not be normal.  To be a virgin – and an unashamed one at that!  To be so successful, so famous and yet be unfazed by it.  To not be obsessed with self and yet compete to be the best.  To honor God, family and country and, O no, even be home schooled!  No drugs, no alcohol, no profanity. Highly competitive and yet genuinely kind to others.

He is the man every man wants to be.  He’s the man every woman wants to have.  He’s the son-in-law every parent will just about die to have!  He does appear to be Bonnie Tyler’s expectation!!   Of course, he may not win every time but he tries hard enough and he’s not bent out of shape when  he loses; his entire life is not wrapped up in a football and a ring.  This is what makes him stand out.  In fact, this only adds to the ‘hero-ness’.

Finally there is someone out there who is man enough to be good!  So that, without apology or excuse; without the ‘except this’ and  ‘except that,’ a parent can point to this young person and have no reservations about their children looking up in wonder and admiration.  We really don’t have any perfect role models out there.

I thought it interesting that Dave Silverman, American Atheist President, ‘Tebowed’ with a Rodin’s thinker twist.  He actually does appreciate Tim Tebow but he does not like Tim Tebow advertising his Christianity.  Tebow on the other hand doesn’t seem to have a problem with Silverman being an atheist.  Am I the only one, or is there someone else out there wondering why should it bother the Atheistic President that Tebow is a Christian and is using his platform to promote his faith?  Wouldn’t Silverman do the same?  Shouldn’t anyone do the same?  If you do have a strong belief and you were Tim Tebow, shouldn’t you absolutely promote your belief!  You’d be a fool not to!  I have a suggestion for Dave.  Find an atheist who is as good as Tebow and let him do what Tebow does, and bingo, you’ve got your man!  Then you can let him pull Rodin’s pose!  Let me know when that needle in the haystack shows up, please!

Dave has no problem crediting self with success, and Tebow has no problem crediting God and thanking him for the ability to execute!  So, what’s the problem?

“The universe has a trillion stars,” he says. “Ninety five percent of it is dark matter. It’s hubris to think the Creator of all that wants the Broncos to win a football game.”

What Silverman doesn’t know is that it’s hubris to think that a puny man who has no real, lets face it, idea of the concept of a trillion stars and dares to flaunt his ignorance that 95% of it is dark matter (I had no idea that the president of the atheist society was such an outter space expert  because really, who knows what’s beyond that dark matter and there we go looking into mirrors.)  He does not know that the Creator may not want the Broncos to win, he may actually even want them to lose.  The issue is that the Creator is as aware of them and Tim Tebow as he is of Dave Silverman taking on Rodin’s pose and He, unlike the atheists, gives him the full right to do as he pleases!

I wonder if his critics would be so many if Tim Tebow were not a Christian and I find it quite ironic that finally here is a man with classic goodness and because he is too good to be true, he is disliked!  Tim is the essence of the American ‘good old boy’.  But he makes light of himself and thinks more of others – amazing!  I think the founding fathers would have loved him – I think anyone with an ounce of sense would have to love him. On that score I would have to give even Lady Gaga a thumbs up (apparently there is an ounce somewhere in there among the props and layers of make-up.  I mean, even she has respect for him and for that matter, so does Mr. Silverman, with all due respect).

Tim is moral, he is a fighter and he is unashamed to be innocent.   It’s refreshing that Tebow doesn’t modestly downplay his faith, that he is so open about using his present glory as a platform for his faith.  He takes it seriously that he is an example that young people will follow and he has every intention of using that to the max.  O boy, here we go again, he is so very refreshingly honest!

Tebow assures that all is not lost.  There is hope for a very lost and confused generation of young people – it is possible to be cool and pure, that no matter how hard the world will try to dirty this planet there will always be a few who like Tim Tebow and dare I say this name, Ron Paul, who care to go against the flow and do their best with their moment in time.

I have only one thing to say – in football lingo, I’ll try to refrain from using the ‘convert‘  word lest I be misunderstood but I will say, I hope he will go for it – all the way!

About Probhita

Quite ordinary, really. Where I do consider myself extraordinary is in that I have been tremendously blessed with the sweetest family and the best of friends. It is nothing short of the richest luxury to be loved as I am! Being challenged to think and break away from status quo is a personal priority. I believe that the Creator of the universe has a plan for my life and random chance is not the way of my existence. I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I deeply uphold tolerance - I may not concede to a thought being right - but will always respect its view. The privilege of having the best parents in the world and growing with caring sisters in a rather unique setting is an aspect closely cherished. My youngest sister, despite being oceans away, always remains my closest friend and my biggest encourager! I have a wonderful husband who loves me and two gorgeous children. I presently live in India. This blog is the embarking of a journey with Charlotte Mason's philosophy of education as I continue to homeschool my children. I hope their childhood will be as fulfilling and memorable, if not, more, than mine.
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2 Responses to My Take on the Tebow Mania

  1. Tammy Shew says:

    Awesome!!!!! love it Probita. I too am a huge Tebow fan and you worded it best as to why. How can you not admire and respect him for his strong faith. He is persecuted I think because of his faith which God said would happen to Christians. But he stands strong and is someone I think about when I am afraid to mention my faith or give God the glory because of fear of judgement. Thanks for posting this. I am always wanting to take up for Tebow and I’m glad you did. I also love to write and now you’ve given me incentive maybe to begin writing again. Anyway, hope you had a lovely Christmas and I wish everyone a wonderful new year. Hope to see you again in the near future.


    Tammy Shew

    • Probhita says:

      Thank, Tammy – for visting and also your comment. There is such a dearth of character in the world – Tim Tebow definitely would do a whole lot of good to the world, so for our sakes, I hope something works out for him. If not, I know God will honor him for his stand for truth – whether or not the world recognizes him or not. So looking forward to seeing you in the summer!

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