Come Wind Come Weather

IMG_1593Once in a while you discover a treasure.  Such was my seemingly insignificant but oddly inspiring  find in one of my mothers’  bookshelves.  Daphne Du Mauriers’ 82 paged, 1940 Indian edition collection of short stories seemed to be waiting for me.

There’s always something irresistible about old and brittle yellow pages. I picked it up and I am ashamed to say that it was almost a year before I decided to read it.  One evening I embarked.  I have no regrets except that I wish I had begun earlier!

She compares the sixteenth century to her twentieth century and exposes the gulf between the modern ‘Safety First’ motto and the older ‘true valor’  constancy ‘ come wind come weather’ that Bunyan extolled. 

In her preface she says:

“In the following stories I have tried to show how ordinary men and women, like you and me, have faced up to the challenge of war and change, and how they overcome their troubles.  There is nothing heroic about them, they are in no wise different from or better than ourselves.  But each one has experienced the “inner battle” and look to the future now with faith and courage and conviction.”

It was Linda Fay in her blog who pushed me to start reading again.  I love reading but life gets so rushed and then I get to read only when I am on vacation.  She said she developed the discipline of reading a little everyday a book other than what homeschool required – reading for pleasure.  A little every day.  I decided to do this at night.  Sometimes, so bleary eyed that I could hardly focus and those nights I would read only what I intelligently could.  A paragraph, a page, a chapter.  I was amazed at what happened to me.  My world grew.  Not massively huge but wider – wider than my little sphere of the immediate.   Domestic frustrations, tensions, irritations, apprehensions became a little more bearable.  Life in general took on a more objective perspective.

Daphne Du Maurier helped me throw caution to the wind. In today’s’ world of strife and war, not much has changed since 1940.  Let nations war, why should people?  MORAL, not military,  armament.  A militant approach to morality; self-responsibility, kindness, goodness, peace and generosity of thought.  Simple. Profound.  “It seems at times easier to face a hundred bombers than one irritable relative!  Such is our poor human cowardice.”

This book helped me so much.  To not needlessly nit pick with my kids, not be as irritable with my spouse, think kinder of others than I was wont  and think less of myself and my pettiness.  It is such a pathetic place to be – to  wallow in self-pity and bitterness rather than up and arm to the greater!

This book is available on Amazon. Unfortunately it costs a lot more than six pence now!  But if you wish to transcend then it will be worth it!  I have found a new set of wings in a resolve to ascend.  This has also helped my children.  Learning to deal with each other in kindness, to not jump to the worst conclusion about the other, to give each other the benefit of the doubt. In stead of placing huge expectations they are finding that it is far better to ENJOY each other.   For the most part they get along well and really cannot do without each other but occasionally they bicker.  Instead of ‘resolving’ issues for them.  I asked them to think  a loud the scenario and ask what each could have done differently to turn the tide.  Then I asked them to write each other a letter.  They were so sweetly penned out and the love expressed seemed to wipe out whatever grievance they previously held!IMG_1601

Winston Churchill promised victory along with blood, sweat and tears.  This victory was sweeter!

About Probhita

Quite ordinary, really. Where I do consider myself extraordinary is in that I have been tremendously blessed with the sweetest family and the best of friends. It is nothing short of the richest luxury to be loved as I am! Being challenged to think and break away from status quo is a personal priority. I believe that the Creator of the universe has a plan for my life and random chance is not the way of my existence. I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I deeply uphold tolerance - I may not concede to a thought being right - but will always respect its view. The privilege of having the best parents in the world and growing with caring sisters in a rather unique setting is an aspect closely cherished. My youngest sister, despite being oceans away, always remains my closest friend and my biggest encourager! I have a wonderful husband who loves me and two gorgeous children. I presently live in India. This blog is the embarking of a journey with Charlotte Mason's philosophy of education as I continue to homeschool my children. I hope their childhood will be as fulfilling and memorable, if not, more, than mine.
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7 Responses to Come Wind Come Weather

  1. Rosemary says:

    Hi Probhita!
    sorry I’ve not visited in a while:(
    A friend from India asked me on Facebook about homeschooling. I might give her your blog address:) however are there any Facebook groups / pages / forums you can recommend or websites about home schooling in India that she might find helpful? Thanks so much for any help you can give me.
    She is in Bangalore by the way.

    • Probhita says:

      Hi Rosemary!

      So sorry for this terribly tardy response! Please feel free to give your friend my email. There are several homeschooling forums and groups in India. One is
      India Group for Homeschoolers, Swashikshan; and India group For Homeschoolers and Alternative Education. For the latter, she can email Mathew Peedikayil to at

      Bangalore has a pretty big and growing homeschool community!

  2. Carrie says:

    From one reader to another, fantastic! I always have at least 3 books going at a time. Friends always ask me how I read so much (with all the details of life to take care of). Since I became a mom years ago, I try to read 5 pages a day in the book I have in front of me. Not sure where I came up with that number but it allows even huge books to be devoured a bite at a time, and gives me something to think about (my current “thrill” is biographies of all kinds of people).

  3. Probhita says:

    Unfortunately, it’s only available on! : (

    I will lend you the heirloom only because I know you will take care of it!

  4. Lii says:

    Nice! But currently unavailable on or Flipkart. Any chance I could borrow your brittle yellow pages?

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